A Memorable Day & Sacred Questions: Oak Life Updates
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A Memorable Day & Sacred Questions

It's always a gift to gather together as a community, but Sunday's service was particularly memorable as we met at Lake Merritt on a beautiful Oakland morning for church.  As we sang, reflected, and enjoyed the beauty of creation, it was so encouraging to be reminded of God's presence in our world and in our lives.  Special thanks to everyone who brought snacks, took pictures, or helped out in any way!

This Sunday we'll be back at our normal location and time as we start a new conversation called Ask Anything: Questions and conversations about life faith, and God.  The aim of this series is that we would become people who seek, ask, and knock, and as we do, that we would encounter the God who is not afraid of our doubts and questions.  As we kick off the series we'll be inviting everyone to write down some of their questions and then we'll be basing our upcoming Sunday topics off of what we receive, so come curious and open minded!  

As always, there are lots of other things going on beyond Sundays, so be sure to read below!
Things Going on In and Through Oak Life:


Summer Bible Study:
Each Thursday at 7pm, we'll be doing a casual Bible Study picnic style at Lake Merritt for the Summer.  Everyone is welcome and we'll be exploring the New Testament book of 1 Timothy.  Bring a chair/blanket, a Bible, and if you want- snacks to share!  We'll be meeting in the grass near the bird sanctuary where Staten meets Bellevue Avenue. Click here for a location/map.

Church / Budget Updates:  On Sunday we shared some updates about our budget and new things coming up this Fall.  The big news is that we'll be starting childcare every Third Sunday with the hopes of increasing to every week as we have the resources to do so.  We'll be providing more info about that soon.   We also heard about our budget from our finance team.  If you'd like to check out the slides from the budget report you can click here.  For budget questions feel free to email:finance-team@oaklifechurch.com 

Summer Book Club/Discussion: Some of us are going to be reading a book called "Inspired" by Rachel Held Evans that explores the nature of the Bible and what makes it both so sacred and complicated.  This is a great book for those of us who have deconstructed some of the overly simplistic ways to read the Bible but are now working on reconstructing a relationship to it that is both honest and reverent.  We'll be discussing through a facebook group week to week which you can join here, and will be meeting to discuss on Tuesday August 14th at 7pm.

Volunteering at Oak Life:  Pretty much everything that happens in Oak Life is a result of folks from the community participating in making us what we are.  We're currently in need of some more volunteers in areas like music, coffee, set up, and media.  If you're rooted at Oak Life we hope you'll commit to volunteer on one of these teams at least once every other month or so.  If you'd like to volunteer or get more info email Greg: greg.oaklife@gmail.com

Life Groups: Meet at various times throughout the week. Currently our Summer session is on break, but we're looking for hosts/leaders for the fall! 

Generosity Towards Oak Life: Oak Life's roots and branches depend on the generosity of it's community members.  If you'd like to practice financial generosity towards Oak Life, which pays for our rent, staff, and ministry expenses- you can do so online through our website here.   There are options to give on a one-time, monthly or periodic basis.   If you have any questions regarding financial stuff at Oak Life you can send an email to the team: finance-team@oaklifechurch.com

Baptisms: Baptism is a beautiful way to outwardly show an inward faith in Jesus.  We're working on scheduling a baptism up at Lake Temescal soon, so if you'd like like to learn more about Baptism, just email us back!

Facebook Group:  Got a prayer request or community event you'd like to share?  Join our Facebook Group to keep the conversation going.  Also, most Sunday's we live stream part of the service!


Third Sunday Giving Update:  Once a month we give away our entire offering to a local group or cause and it's been super encouraging to see the ways we've been able to join in good work in our community.  This month Oak Life gave $303 to support Connor McGill as he works with Agape International Missions as they work to prevent human trafficking and support those affected in Cambodia.    If you'd like to watch a thank you from some of our third Sunday partners click here.

Project Peace Day of Service: On Saturday August 25th we'll be joining hundreds of other folks from the community for a Day of Service with Project Peace at Garfield Elementary.  Click here to RSVP. 

Homeless Community Support: Oak Life is connected to a local camp community and we're always looking for donations to bring our friends.  Current needs include: bottle waters, clipper/bart cards, packs of socks, cold meds, and gift cards.  If you'd like to donate, just bring something in on a Sunday and we'll deliver it that week.

Social Justice Team:
We’re steadily building momentum on our first project! (details to come) We’ve also been developing relationships with other social-minded organizations including, OCO, LavaMae, and The Interfaith Council of Alameda. Our current focus is around how we can work toward impacting the housing crisis in our community. If you'd like more info you can contact Greg who will be helping to facilitate: greg@oaklifechurch.com

Other Stuff?  Got ideas for other ways we can serve our community?  Want to start a new group?  Interested in organizing a hike our outing? Oak Life is a community led church- so let's make it happen.  Just shoot us back an email.

That's all for now!

Grace and Peace, 

Chris Scott

Oak Life Church
Sundays 10AM at The New Parkway Theater
474 24th St, Oakland, 94612
Twitter / Instagram: @oaklifechurch
Practice Generosity to Oak Life
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Sundays 10AM at The New Parkway Theater
472 24th St. Oakland, 94612