COVID -19 Series: Middle Wellness Tools
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April 14, 2020
Middle Snapshot
Wellness Tools

Wellness Tools

Wellness tools support your physical, mental
and emotional capacity to "sail your ship" successfully.

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2020  has created a natural reaction of stress, worry, and fear within our community.  Fear can create strong emotions and a sense of overwhelm for adults, children, and youth.

As we navigate this challenging time, it is important that we are able to identify symptoms of stress within ourselves and our family members in order to take care of each other.

We also have an opportunity to access wellness tools to prevent and alleviate our stressors. Wellness tools support your physical, mental, emotional capacity to "sail your ship" successfully.

Signs your Wellness May be "off course"



-  increase or decrease in energy and activity levels
-  increase in substance use
-  increase in irritability
-  increase in outbursts and arguing
-  difficulty with sleeping
-  frequent crying
-  excessive worry
-  isolating self


 -  stomach aches
-  headaches
-  loss of appetite or eating excessively

Emotions and Thoughts

-  being anxious or fearful
-  feeling overwhelmed by sadness
-  feeling depressed
-  feeling guilty
-  feeling angry
-  difficulty remembering things
-  feeling confused
-  difficulty thinking clearly and concentrating
-  difficulty making decisions

Tools to Keep your Wellness "on course"

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engage with hobbies
alternate hard tasks with fun activities

Anxiety Canada 
My Anxiety Plans are anxiety management programs based on cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), which is an evidence-based psychological treatment.

You can choose from two Anxiety Plans - Children & Teens or Adults.



eat healthy foods and drink water
avoid excessive use of substances
get enough sleep and rest
get physical exercise
relax your body, take deep  breaths, stretch

Do Yoga With Me is offering free two month subscriptions

The YMCA/YWCA Victoria.  Each week the Y team will be providing new resources, activities and ideas for you to fill your week. 


listen to music
talk about your feelings with loved ones and friends
take time to renew your spirit through prayer or helping others in need

Calm app has a collection of free mindfulness videos / audios  

Colorfy is a digital adult coloring book with a selection of images and mandalas to choose from, or upload your own sketches to color. You can spend hours in a flow state or focused meditation through this app. 
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Indigenous Medicine Wheel?

What is an Indigenous Medicine Wheel? There isn’t a simple answer to the question as medicine wheels come in more than one form, and their significance and use is culture-specific. There is, however, one fundamental similarity besides the shape - medicine wheels represent the alignment and continuous interaction of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realities. The circle shape represents the inter-connectivity of all aspects of one’s being, including the connection with the natural world. Medicine wheels are frequently believed to be the circle of awareness of the individual self; the circle of knowledge that provides the power we each have over our own lives. 

Staying Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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 Community Services

Below is a list of Community Services and their availability during the pandemic

IMCRT (Integrated Mobile Crisis Response Team): 
Individuals in crisis can call the Vancouver Island Crisis Line at 1-888-484-3888 and the staff will support and offer crisis intervention options.  ...

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 Learning Resources

BC Numeracy Network  

Free Indigenous movies online CBC  

The Ministry of Education site contains excellent information on learning at home and resources for families

The Greater Victoria School District provides learning opportunities for elementary, middle and secondary age students.

TedED - Parents can sign up for grade specific daily lessons on any subject imaginable.  Fun and engaging!

BCTF - Aboriginal Education Teaching Resources

  Learning Resources for Students with Complex Needs

Food Resources for Families 

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