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April 21, 2020
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Planning Guide for Teachers 

As schools are developing flexible and innovative ways to accommodate the needs of their community, it is important to ensure that we, as a sector, are aligning our efforts in these challenging circumstances. With this in mind, the Ministry of Education has developed four principles to guide the provision of learning continuity:

1. Ensure a healthy and safe environment for all students, families and employees.
2. Provide the services needed to support the children of our essential workers.
3. Support vulnerable students who may need special assistance.
4. Provide continuity of educational opportunities for all students.

These principles form the foundation of our new Continuity of Learning Planning Guide for Teachers (PDF). Please read this guide, as it provides valuable information to support you in providing continuity of educational opportunities for your students.
What amazing things are you and your colleagues doing to support students with the transition to remote learning? We would love to hear your strategies. Drop us a line at educ.learn@gov.bc.ca.
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