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May 14, 2020
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Inclusive Support Teachers and Education Assistants in SD62: Sooke met at Royal Bay Secondary School to show support to students as they picked up resources

Education Assistants Find Creative Ways to Continue Supporting Students

Education assistants (EA‘s) and support staff are vital in all school communities – and never more so than right now. The work of an EA is fluid in nature depending on the unique needs of students and EA‘s are continuing to adjust to a different school life environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Across the province, EA‘s are working tirelessly to establish supports for the children of our essential service workers, and to maintain the supports that were in place for students with disabilities/diverse abilities and students who benefit from being in a school setting. This includes both remote and in-person opportunities – all while respecting public health guidelines. EA‘s are also conducting one-on-one social-emotional check-ins and hosting group chats for students with disabilities/diverse abilities to support learning from home. In some cases, EA‘s are even preparing and delivering nutritious food to families whose children typically have access to meal programs at schools.

EA‘s are stepping up to support where they are needed and are a vital part in the creative solutions put in place to support learners and families across the province. Their efforts are considerable. To all the Education Assistants in B.C: thank you for your flexibility and your continued dedication. We count you among the many heroes in our communities.

To learn more about the commendable work of EA‘s across B.C., please read the following:
Education assistants find new ways to help students

Have an idea for a future edition of Learn? Send us an email at educ.learn@gov.bc.ca with the details.
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