SBT November Newsletter
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Assessment Communication Promoting Learning

"The value of our knowledge multiplies when we share what we know with others” (Sinek, 2022). Thinking about assessment communication informs why we hold IEP meetings, and write IEPs and report cards, and how and what we communicate in each of these opportunities. Purposeful assessment communication focused on student learning and growth has the power to profoundly affect student learning and motivation. It can also meaningfully impact our decision-making and instructional planning when collaborating with our teacher colleagues.




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“We have the luxury of looking after ourselves.
We have the honour of looking after each other."
- Simon Sinek -

“Somebody‘s got to be crazy about that kid. That‘s number one. First, last and always."
- Urie Bronfenbrenner -

"Assessment powers reflection and decision-making. We collect evidence for two purposes: FOR decision-making (to drive the actions we take), and ABOUT decision-making (to reflect and decide whether our strategies are effective and whether our assessments missed anything)."
- Katie White -


READ - Fostering Growth Mindset through Assessment Using a competency-based assessment to shape a positive mindset with students. 

TRY - The right activity can give you a window into  students‘ thinking and learning process. Watch the 3 minute video for 3 activities that make thinking visible.


How are you designing, co-planning, supporting and communicating student learning to promote a growth-mindset and positively impact student learning or well-being?


District Based Information
Designation Compliance Quality Review - This year, we are participating in a designation compliance quality review with Ministry of Education support. More information will be shared as the process unfolds. Two initial resulting changes are:
- No provisional ASD /G designations (starting October, 2022 moving forward)
- CYMH Consultation and Collaboration process will be reviewed and updated for compliance
  Dates and updated info coming soon (typical November date will be delayed)

Designation Requests continue to be processed through the Learning Support Referral App. Please feel free to connect with any DLST or District Counsellor

Student Support Plans - We have had a number of recent questions related to student support plans (eg. safety, elopement, etc). A reminder that at this time, we encourage school-based teams to use the Student Support Plan (pdf and fillable) on the Behaviour Supports page on the website.

Reminder of CB-IEP Support: 

CB IEP website resources (password: GVSDINCLUSION)
CB IEP Fall Series: Final session - Wednesday November 9th from 1:15-2:15 pm. Teams link
CB IEP Open work session: Wednesday November 9th 3:00-4:30 pm in-person at Uplands Campus or 
Virtual Support (Teams)

  Professional  Learning
SEL and Mental Health Resources and Learning Opportunities
   (Second Step, Mental Health Literacy, EASE, Stigma Free Mental Health Toolkit)
Trauma Informed Practice Resource
The ABC's of Youth Substance Use
- POPARD Learning Opportunities - free half day workshops for BC School employees

Pathways and Partnerships staff are always eager to collaborate and work together to connect students to opportunities. Please reach out with requests and ideas you may have for a classroom, school, or individual student.  
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