LST April Newsletter
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LST April Timeline 

In April, transition planning is underway. As always, timelines are suggested approximations intended to be fluid and flexible, recognizing caseloads vary, experience in the role can be a factor, and you may be in the midst of new learning (e.g. CB-IEPs). Being responsive to and compassionate with ourselves, our colleagues and our students is the most important item on our agenda. 

LST Timeline

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We’d like to share and remind you to dive into our CAPP (Connecting Assessment, Planning and Programming) page on our website as it is new to some and holds a wealth of resources.

This resource is based on the Building Blocks Framework and includes information, resource tools and templates with which to understand decision-making specific to diverse learners, build learner and class profiles, supplement resources to support writing CB-IEPS, access literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy supports, and provide  differentiated instruction, within the curricular context, using a tiered instruction and intervention framework.

We are always happy to explore and collaboratively support the use of the CAPP information and resources.
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