SBT April Newsletter
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April 2023

Transitions can be a gift and a challenge. Since transitions signify change, they are accompanied by a range of big emotions, all rooted in uncertainty. What we can control is our approach: how we powerfully pause, thoughtfully plan with the information available, take into consideration the many ways to move forward, and choose the path of transformative success. 
Transitions offer a natural pause in practice and processes for authentic, deep reflection about:
  • what has been working well,
  • what hasn‘t been working,
  • what has worked to mediate or overcome barriers, and 
  • possible areas of focus to learn, grow, and move forward.
We have refined the SBT survey to give you a structured tool for reflection as a team. Your feedback also provides important information to help us to improve District supports for next year because when we know better, we do better. We value and are grateful for your input.




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Change is not a threat. It‘s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal. Transformative success is. - Seth Godin

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin

Honor the space between no longer and not yet. - Nancy Levin


TRYTransition Brief for students with significant support needs. 
READ: Bringing Student Voice into Transition Planning

These documents can also be found on the Learning Support website under Transitions. 


What does transition planning on a path anchored in transformative success look like?
District Based Information

Spring Up

The Spring Up approach is an opportunity to provide additional support to SD61 priority students transitioning from grades 5 to 6 or grades 8 to 9. While all students benefit from transition support, Spring Up is meant to be a supplemental support for students who require personalized transition opportunities beyond the existing school-based activities. 




Welcoming New Children and Families

Welcoming New Children and Families to Kindergarten is information you may find useful. It includes some key messages to share with families about preparing for school. Two videos specific to K transition are highlighted below as well as a supporting your child's pathway to kindergarten poster. 
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Competency-Based IEP Updates and Resources for Support

In a recent meeting with a lead auditor, they shared that during an audit the Ministry is looking for evidence that IEP goals are being worked on and progress is being made. For the majority of designations, this can occur and is only required through descriptive feedback in Learning Updates (Report Cards) demonstrating evidence of a a) program plan, b) services provided, and c) progress made.

To support programming development, excellent resources for effective goals and objectives are:
Competency-Based Individual Learning Plan (CB-ILP) is intended for students without Ministry designation who would benefit from a Learning Plan. The document can also be found on the Learning Support website under Competency-Based IEP's.




Designation Requests

Designation Requests continue to be processed through the District Referral App. The Designation (ASD, IBI, PDCH) Review Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month to review new designation requests. If you could use support collaborating to coordinate a designation package or support using the app, please feel free to connect with any DLST

  Professional  Learning
The Stigma-Free Society is a Canadian registered charity dedicated to reducing and eliminating stigma of all kinds, with a focus on mental health. Their Professional Development Day sessions walk educators through the Student Mental Health Toolkit, a hub of valuable educational online resources for students in grades 4-12.
They also present student-based live virtual Stigma-Free Presentations. The presenters share lived experience with their personal mental health challenges and triumphs. Sessions are unique, engaging and have demonstrated success across various districts in BC and Manitoba. For more information, please contact

FamilySmart Dr. Ross Greene - May 4, 2023 from 6:00-8:00 pm
Parents can join a free virtual presentation and Q & A with Dr. Ross Greene as he speaks about how Collaborative and Proactive Solutions can help us show our kids we care about them. 

Moving From Power and Control to Collaboration and Problem Solving  May 18 & 19th  Join Dr. Ross Greene and explore his Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model for recognizing and reducing challenging behaviors across diverse settings.  Registration

POPARD Learning Opportunities - free half day workshops for BC School employees

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