SBT June Newsletter
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Reflections, Gratitude   Acknowledgments
                             June 2023
     When we lean into reflections, gratitude, and acknowledgements, we rise. We know reflecting and gratitude well. Reflecting on the good we‘ve done or been a part of nurtures our souls. Gratitude, distinct from thankfulness, grounds us in the difference-makers that change our lives and raise us up, elevating our reflections from soul nurturing to blossoming. Consider adding acknowledgement to both of these to take it to the next level so that as we enter summer, we all rise, together. 
     Let me explain: George Couros‘ latest blog discusses how “School is a marathon, not a sprint. And with marathons, there are ups and downs, and times where you don‘t know if you can make it through the obstacles. Yet so many persevere. Why? Because they are often not just running it for themselves….the experience of school is often more than the hopes of the student, but the dreams of their families. As it is for many teachers who entered the profession - to be a part of something bigger than themselves.” The parallels between marathons, graduations, and education, in general, make me wonder if marathon acknowledgments could teach us something in education.
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  We cheer our kids on everyday. Some of us have a crew cheering for us, too, but not everyone does. Cheering changes the experience. Of course, cheering, if authentic, looks different and is individualized to those you raise up. What if we “cheered on” our colleagues, especially at this time of year? What if we cheered on those we don‘t know, or don‘t know closely, because we recognize their gifts, efforts, generosity, difference-making presence? 
     When we are acknowledged, we rise (Dr. Jody Carrington), and I believe that when we acknowledge others, we rise. I believe if we cheer more, especially now, we‘ll change the world, most definitely someone‘s world. I hope you recognize how you inspire others, how your gifts that change lives, how grateful others are for you, and that you rise this month. Enjoy this run!




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Anything loved so much, with a daily effort, grows - Leo Tolstoy

Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom - Marcel Proust

Gratitude turns what we have into enough - Aesop





READ - Impact of Awards (George Couros) inspires us to rethink awards - why and how we give them, and whether they promote authentic and positively impactful growth, learning and celebration. He makes us rethink the impact on: a) students who don't get awards, b) students who do, and c) factors they reshaped to win. If research is clear that immediate, descriptive recognition is most impactful, what have our experiences taught us about the merit of awards ceremonies? Consider thinking about awards through a different lens.
TRY: Gratitude has a positive effect on most individuals‘ well-being. Authentic gratitude benefits from an understanding of the distinction from thankfulness. Check out these two articles:  
  1. Research on how to give thanks to increase happiness
  2. Differentiating between gratitude and thankfulness to ensure your efforts are impactful.





Who or what are you grateful for that has been a difference-maker in your life this year? In whose life have you been a difference-maker this year? 
Revel in the gratitude of the gifts you have received and generously given.
Thank you for all you are and all you do!

JUNE SNASHOT TOPIC: Diversity & Inclusion

District Based Information


Math Learning Ladders are one of the new resources we've added to our CB IEP website page to support goal and objective planning and programming with K-9 math skills. Math Learning Ladders segment and explicitly identify mathematical skills as they incrementally develop on a learning continuum. The ladder structure allows teachers to accurately plot the mathematical learning objectives a student has achieved and to which level, and then provide a clear objective for the next learning step for the student to achieve mastery of the mathematical concept. These are incredibly supportive as we as we program for math interventions or targeted instruction. We gratefully acknowledge the Mission Public Schools, who developed and shared this resource. 





Free Summer Day Camp for Newcomers to Canada

GVSD in Partnership with Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (VIRCS) 
Summer Camp is for newcomers to Canada who are Permanent Residents (immigrant/refugees), CUAET (Ukrainian) visa holders and refugee claimants.  Children and youth currently enrolled in the Greater Victoria School District in K to 11 are eligible to apply.  

Community Summer Camps

Here are two PDF's to share with your families to support summer time engagement and connection. Neighbourhood House Summer Camps and Community Summer Camps (some with subsidy)




Designation Requests

Designation Requests continue to be processed through the District Referral App. The Designation (ASD, IBI, PDCH) Review Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month to review new designation requests. If you could use support collaborating to coordinate a designation package or support using the app, please feel free to connect with any DLST

  Professional  Learning

FREE Virtual POPARD course for SD61 staff

Course Dates: Jul 10-14
Registration Deadline: June 9, 2023
Registration is limited, register quickly to get a spot!

If you require additional information contact Tresa Marshall

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