SBT November Newsletter
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What's New on the Learning Support website?

If you are not yet aware, the Learning Support website has undergone a significant update to reflect the cycle of assessment, planning and programming. We invite you to visit our updated website and explore the new format. If you are looking for a specific resource the search function is a helpful option.

Recent additions to the website:
Child and Youth Mental Health Consultation and Collaboration (CYMH CC) process updates for the school year
Example IEP's - we will continue to add competency based IEP examples throughout the year

If you don't know the password to access the staff resources page contact





Universal Assessment Supports

"All students are eligible to receive universal assessment supports to support their learning – not just students with disabilities and diverse abilities, or those with an Individual Education Plan (IEP)” 

Referral App Updates

Designation Requests:
A new required checkbox has been added to all designation requests to indicate parent/guardian informed consent for all designation categories.

There is a new Generate De-Designation Request” function in the app (see below). This will replace the previous de-designation form and email process. Parent/guardian signature has been replaced with a checkbox to confirm parents have been informed/consented.

ARC-BC: Connecting  Students with Print Disabilities with the Materials They Need

ARC-BC has thousands of titles in digital accessible formats available for download on behalf of students with print (perceptual) disabilities. Account holders (typically case managers and/or LST's) are able to download digital accessible alternatives to texts.
If you do not have an account, visit ARC BC
to register for a free account.

If you have questions you can connect with  our District representative Tanya Ross


Professional Learning and ARC-BC

Once you set up your account you will also be eligible to join the ARC-BC team for their free workshops. Some examples:
Apps to Access ARC-BC Materials
Creating Accessible Documents – Designing for Digital Inclusion

Supporting Students with Diverse Needs - Pathways for Life, Learning and Work 

Join an informative morning discussing, collaborating and exploring Camosun College's Pathways for Life, Learning & Work Program. This program aims to assist students who face physical and/or cognitive obstacles to further their education and employability as they approach their departure from high school. It is offered every spring, and is typically filled with students in their Gr 12 or 12+ year and often on an Evergreen Path.
Target Audience: Secondary School Educators & Staff
Date: Friday November 24th 2023
Time: 9:30—12:00 pm @ Camosun Interurban
If you need TTOC release, please contact:
Lindsay Johnson

To register email:

Two Day Virtual Training on CPS with Dr. Ross Greene - November 17 & 18

On the first day of this live webinar, Dr. Greene provides a general overview of the CPS model, including key themes, use of the Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems, and Plan B. On the second day he dives more deeply into the technicalities and nuances of various facets of the model, with extensive use of video examples and ample time for questions and discussion. 
You can join in on one or both days. If you can't join in live for all or part of the webinar, your registration gives you access to the recording.  Register here! 

Coming in January 2024! Educator Resilience & Wellness Roundtable

Holistic in-person wellness and resilience discussions, resource exploration, and practices by educators, for educators. Elevate your well-being journey!
  • Discover and integrate new resilience tools.
  • Share educator-specific wellness practices
  • Collaborate and navigate classroom challenges together
Monthly sessions from January to June

Watch for registration details in the December newsletter!

Kelty Mental Health - ADHD

An outstanding series of resources are offered for parents and educators who may be seeking more understanding as well as support for parents in need of assistance.
A Free Online Course for Parents and Caregivers
Rolling with ADHD is an eight module series that covers practical tools and strategies for caregivers of children with ADHD. It focuses on what research shows really works for kids and families living with ADHD.

The Wizard of Oz: Sensory Friendly Performance

Victoria On Stage Musical Theatre Society (VOS) is offering a ’Sensory-Friendly‘ performance of the Wizard of Oz at the McPherson Playhouse. 
Sensory-friendly performances are designed to create a welcoming and comfortable arts experience for people with autism, sensory sensitivities, or other social, learning or cognitive disabilities. Tickets are offered a discounted rate of $20 with an option for an additional free ticket for a family member of caregiver. More information here
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